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  Good morning, everyone. My name is…, I come from… I`m very happy and excited to stand here, it is my great honor to be here to present my lesson. My teaching topic is… I`ll talk about it by 8 parts.

  The analysis of teaching material.

  The analysis of students.

  The analysis of teaching aims and demands.

  The analysis of teaching importances and difficulties.

  The analysis of teaching methods.

  The analysis of teaching procedures.

  Blackboard design.

  Teaching reflection.

  Well, firstly, I`ll talk about Part 1 the analysis of teaching material. My teaching topic is… from Unit…Go For It Junior English Book 1A, which published by People Education Press. In this period, the main language function is to practice listening and speaking skills around…as well as the communicative skills of……

  Then I`ll talk about next part the analysis of the students. It is known to us that most of students had learned English for about…years. They are curious about new things and have a strong desire to learn better. However, their Engish tearning level are different from each other. They need teachers` help and encouragement in their further study.

  Next I`ll talk about teaching aims and demands. There are knowledge aims, ability aims and emotional aims. The knowledge aims are to enable the students to master the new words……the phrases…and the sentenses……The ability aims are to obtain the abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing around……to train the students` abilities of using language, to guide the students to talk about…using the expressions of…and to develop the students` ability of creative thinking and cooperative study. The emotional aims are to enable……

  Let`s move on to another part: the analysis of teaching importances and difficulties. The teaching importances are…The teaching difficulties are……

  Next is teaching methods. I use…methods in my lesson. There are multimedia computer assisted instruction, task-based activities, situational approach, total physical response or the audio-lingual method.

  Now I`ll talk about teaching procedures. According to five steps teaching method, I design my lesson into five steps.

  Step 1 is warm-up. Here I`ll…By this, the students can be interested in it and pay their attention to our class easily and…

  Step 2 is lead-in. Here I`ll…By this, the students……

  Step 3 is presentation. Here I`ll……By this, the students……

  Step 4 is practice. Here I`ll…By this, the students……

  Step 5 is homework. Here I`ll……By this ,the students……

  Next is my blackboard design. I`ll design it like this……

  At last, I want to say, to be a good teacher is my dream. I think a teacher is not only a guide for sudents, but also a friend of them. If I were a teacher, I would build a close relation with my students, helping them not only on their study but also on their lives. I`ll try my best, and I have confident that I can do it.

  Ok, that`s all. Thanks for your listening. Good-bye.


  Unit13 Rainy days make sad. SectionA (1a-1c)

  Hello, everyone,

  Today I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is Section A (1a-1c , Grammar Focus) in Unit13 . It is made up of seven parts.

  1. Analysis textbook(教材分析)

  2. The teaching methods(教学方法)

  3. The learning methods(说学法)

  4. Analysis the students(说学情)

  5. The procedures of the teaching(教学步骤)

  6. Blackboard design(板书设计)

  7. Self evaluation.(自评)

  Part 1 The analysis of the teaching material:

  This lesson is about listening and speaking. It plays a very important part in the English teaching of this unit. By studying Section A , The students can improve their speaking ability, learn more about things that affect people. At the same time, we should get the students to understand better. The students should do some listening, speaking and writing, too. Of course, the students should receive some moral education. Let the students have positive attitude to dealing with things around them.

  1. Teaching objects

  The teaching aims are established according to Junior School English curriculum standard provision.

  A.Language goals

  1). Words & expressions :tense, some adjectives of feeling

  2). Key sentences Loud music makes me tense. (P103)

  Loud music makes me want to dance.

  That movie made me sad.

  B.Ability goals

  Enable the students to talk about how things affect them.

  Emotion & attitude goals

  Enable the students to understand the effect of things upon them.

  The teaching key and difficult points are established according to Section A ,Unit13 in the teaching material’s position and function.

  2. Teaching Key Points

  the usage of make.

  3.Teaching Difficulties

  Train the Ss to use make correctly.

  To improve students’ listening ability.

  To train students' communicative competence.

  Part 2. The teaching methods

  Task-based teaching; Cooperative learning;

  Part 3. The learning methods

  1). Set up six steps. It is presentation– words – pairwork – listening practice–Grammar - practice

  2). Ask the students to take part in class actively and develop their cooperation in the activities .

  Part 4. Analysis the students

  The students have learned some words about feeling and they have know the word make. But they don’t often use English to express themselves and communicate with others. Some Ss are not active in the class because they are afraid of making mistakes.

  Part 5. The procedures of the teaching

  I have designed the following steps to train their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, writing , especially listening and speaking. Set up six steps. It is greeting –lead-in -presentation– words – pairwork – listening practice–Grammar – practice – homework.

  Step Ⅰ Lead- in.

  Show the Ss a picture and then show the teaching material.

  Purpose: Arouse the students’ interest of study. Bring in new subject: Rainy days make me sad.

  Step II Presentation.

  Review some words about feeling , then present the sentence structure.

  A: What makes him/her sad?

  B: Rainy days makes him sad.

  Purpose :Through this part we can consolidate what they studied yesterday, communicate with others about their feelings and prepare for the new lesson.

  Step III Listening (1a, 1b: P102)

  Ask the students to listen to Amy and Tina talking about the two restaurants and do the exercises.

  Purpose :Train the Ss’ listening ability and prepare for later exercises.

  Step IV Speaking (1c: P102)

  Ask the students to talk about how music affects them. Let the Ss work in pairs and talk about how the two restaurants would affect them.

  Purpose :Train the Ss’ speaking ability and prepare for later exercises.

  Step V Do a survey.

  After learning 1b , 1c , let the Ss do a survey about other things that affect them.

  Purpose : This step can open the Ss eyesight and thought . It’s a step from textbook to real life .

  Step VI Grammar

  1). Sum the usage of make then help them to say out the sentence structure.

  2). Do some exercises to consolidate the grammar.

  Purpose: Train the Ss’ ability of understanding and using language.

  Step VII Writing practice

  1.List 4-5 things around you and then describe how the things affect you.

  2.Composition Exams make me _______。

  Purpose :I want to improve the ability of their writing. At the same time, train the ability of do-it-yourself and looking up the information by themseleves.

  Part 6. Blackboard design

  1. make +sb/sth+adj

  eg: The news made him sad.

  He tries his best to make his lessons interesting.

  make +sb/sth+ do

  eg: He made me wait for a long hours.

  He made me do this exercise again.

  Purpose:In my opinion, the blackboard design can reflect the teacher’s ability of mastering the text and leading the students to master the text easily. In this text, I write the usage of make and rather on the blackboard in order to tell the students that this is of the importance in this class. I want to use them correctly and flexibly.

  Part 7. Self evaluation.

  In order to make the students the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as director. I designed some activities to arouse the students’ interest of studying .The students can learn the target language easily .Also ,by these activities , I’ve cultivated the students’ spirit of cooperating , trained the students’ skills of listening ,speaking , reading , writing , improved the students’ ability of collecting information and dealing with the information . Help the students to form a positive attitude towards life .Thanks for listening .


  1.The students are always the masters of the class.

  The teachers are only the guides and organizers of the class activities.

  In English teaching, we should make the lessons close to their daily lives ,and complish the teaching goals in the activites.

  We should make the students master the ways to study in the activities.

  So the teachers and students can show their initiatives and creativities at their best.

  2.I adopt the task-based teaching method.

  I mix the main words and main language targets into the pratical activities.

  The students complish the goals through the experance of the class activities.

  3.Groupwork is the main teaching method in the English class.

  The teacher should give the students more freedom to show and express themselves.

  We should provide a stage for the students to mix the knowledge , exchange the information and share the resources 。

  The teachers had better give them more praise and affirmation.

  So the relations between the teachers and students are natural and democratic.


  Good morning,ladies and gentlemen!I am very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of myteaching ideas.The topic of this Unit is "What should I do?" from thetextbook—go for it book 8 unit 2 for junior middle school students.I’d like tosay it from 5 parts as follows:There are teaching materials,teaching methods,learningstrategies,teaching procedures and blackboard design.

  Now,Let’s come to the first part—Teaching materials.It includestwo parts,status and functions of the material and the teaching content.The thingsin the text book are appropriate to students’ interests,experiencesand knowledge;provide the students with opportunities to use the target languageand stimulate students to seek further information.In unit 2,Studentswill learn to talk about problems and learn to give advice to others.So it ishelpful to improve their communicative competence.

  Ok,second,teaching content,which includes four aspects,the key vocabulary,the targetlanguage,important and difficult points, and the teaching aims.About theteaching aims,in this unit,students will talk about problems which students come up with intheir daily lives and learn to use modal verbs "could" and "should" to makesuggestions.The second is ability aims,to improve thestudents’ abilities of listening,speaking and readingby providing various tasks.The last is the affection aims,that is,to help eachother and learn to cooperate.

  Next,let’s come to the second part—teaching methods.Whiledealing with this lesson,I usually adopt "Task|based" teaching approach.It aims at providing opportunities for the learners to explore bothspoken and written language through learning activities.So,I will letthe students learn in real situations,fulfill severaltasks such as pair work or group work.And in this unit thecommunicative approach and the situational language approach will be adopted.And thefocus is on functional language usage and the ability of learners to expresstheir own ideas,feelings,attitudes,desires and needs.So combine these methods together,enable the studentsto receive,process and retain new information through "multipleintelligences".

  Next I’d like to talk about part three—Learning strategies.I usuallytell the students some learning strategies.For four languageskills,I also tell the students to learn efficiently through strategies.Saylistening,in my class I train the students to get the general ideals,makeprediction,make a reference,identify key words and signal words.About theword|formation and the exploitation are also very important strategies.Each studentcan be involved in the class by using the strategies which are suitable forthem.

  Ok now,let’s come to the fourth part—Teaching procedures.I’ll finish mylesson in 7 steps,they are Warm up—Lead in—Pre-|task—Task—cycle—Post-task—Homework—Self-assessment.This step-by-step progression allows students to build accuracy andgain confidence with the new language.

  Step1 Warm up

  Watch a movie called Let’s Play.The moviewill offer the students a relaxing atmosphere and develop students’ interest inEnglish.

  Step2 Lead in

  Brainstorming,look at this,funnypicture.He looks very blue and depressed,what’ s wrongwith him?What should he do?This brainstorming stage is helpful in providing ideas for actualspeaking.By discussing with peers they can get a lot of informationconcerning the new topic they are going to learn.

  Step3 Pre-task

  In this step I introduce the topic and give the students clearinstructions on what they will have to do.So first I willprepare some vivid and beautiful pictures to present them the new words.The studentsassociate the meaning of the vocabulary and the form of it,and theyalso practice the speaking and the listening.I’ll get thestudents to do a problem|solving activity to help the students to recall somelanguage that may be useful for the task.I will make asummary to give a detailed explanation about the Grammar point—sentencestructure "should/could".I usually try to cultivate the learner’s unconsciouscompetence,give the students more examples.In this way,I think theywill get a further understanding of the Grammar.

  Step4 Task-cycle

  Task 1—Pair work.I’ll ask the students to work with their partners to learn to giveadvice to different problems using the key words and the grammatical points.Task 2—Listeningpractice I designed the (1)Pre-listening activities (2) While-listening activities (3) Post-listeningactivities.Task 3—Group work.I’ll get the students act out the conversation in small groups.

  Step5 Post-task

  In this step,I prepared two activities.First is—Let’s think.Michael,coming fromUSA.He wants to practice his Putonghua,But he is very shy.So can yougive some advice to him?I suggest that he should get a tutor,can you give more?Make a listof your suggestions.The second is—Discussion.Let’s take a look at the screen,from the picture wecan see the children are studying and living in the very poor condition,1.What’s the matterwith these children?2.What could they do?3.What should we do? (showing pictures) Put the knowledge into the real situations,elicit thestudents to find out the most efficient ways to the problem in our country.

  Step6 Homework

  1.Ask your parentsabout if they have some problems.if they have,Try to give advice.

  2.Make a survey aboutwho are still in trouble and try to find some solutions.

  Step7 Self-assessment

  In the process of teaching and learning,teachersneed to know what has been done well and what needs to be improved further;where thestudents perform well and where they still feel confused.Thediversities of classroom activities,and a welcoming andengaging learning environment will make the study easy and happy.Thus thestudents will get more experience and exploitation by doing things.

  And the last Part is Blackboard design I’ll write thenew words on the left,on the right I write the target language.If possibleI’ll draw some pictures.It is terseness and easy to understand.

  Thank you for listening,goodbye!


  Good afternoon, my dear judges, I am ______, from ______, it is my great honor to have this opportunity to talk about my teaching ideas. My presentation consists of five parts.

  Part 1 The analysis of the teaching material

  This lesson is a reading passage, which focused on the topic of __________________, such a topic is related to our daily life, so it is easy to arouse the Ss’ learning interests.

  My teaching objectives include the following parts.

  First, the knowledge objective :By the end of this lesson, Ss can learn the new words and new phrases:______________________________________ 其他参考活动:Debate----当话题有矛盾的双面


  Do a survey——调查

  Understand the main idea of the article;

  And master the usage of ___________________(某个语法点)

  Second, the Ability objective:

  skim for the main idea of the article and

  scan for the specific information,

  predict some information and

  understand the whole article, and

  enlarge the relative knowledge by reading more materials in library or from internet, write a report of the topic, etc. Third, the emotional objective:

  to develop the spirit of cooperation through teamwork and pair-discussion;

  arouse Ss’ interest in English learning

  Forth, the Cultural awareness

  Fifth, the Important points:

  to get an overall understanding of the whole text,

  and develop their reading skills such as anticipating, skimming, scanning, summarizing language points…..… (具体课型用具体例子阐述)

  the usage of the______________________( 语法或句型)

  While the Difficult points:

  Are enable the Ss to use the new words and phrases to express their ideas in daily life, and develop the ability of skimming and scanning.

  master the usage of ____________________________( 语法或句型)


  Part 2 The analysis of students

  The Ss have learned English for some years. They understand some words and simple sentences. They are curious, active, and fond of game, competition, and various activities. They enjoy learning through cooperation in a relaxing atmosphere.

  Part 3 Teaching methods

  In this lesson, My teaching methods include

  audio-visual teaching method, communicative teaching method, and task-based teaching methods. Besides, a computer, blackboard, a tape recorder, a projector are needed as the teaching aids.

  Part 4 Teaching procedures

  There are five steps in my teaching procedures. But before teaching, I will divide the whole class into 4 groups to

  do competitions while finish different tasks in this lesson.

  Step 1 Warming-up and leading in (3mins)

  Free talk; talk something related the topic of the article.


  Brainstorming, setting the scene, show pictures etc.

  Purpose: activate the Ss to regard the topic of ___________________(主题) and create a relaxing atmosphere. Step 2 Pre-reading (10mins)

  There are 3 tasks for the Ss.

  (1)Do a guessing game.

  (2)Show some funny pictures and sentences on PPT and then ask the Ss to

  (3)Guess the meaning of the new words.

  Practice the new words and phrases:

  Match the new words and phrases with the Chinese meanings.

  Predicting: based on the title/ pictures on the text. ( 看具体情况而定)

  Purpose: through guessing, to arouse Ss learning interest, and help them to learn the new words and phrases which they may come across while reading, pave the way for the following learning and cultivate the ability of anticipating.

  {Meanwhile, pronunciation of some letter strings such as “ea” (pea, tea, feast..) and “er” (cucumber…) are highlighted so as to foster students’ phonetic sensitivity.} (如果有语音教学则可渗透。)

  Step 3 While- reading (15mins)

  There are two tasks for the Ss.

  first reading:

  Ss read the article as quickly as they can and try to get the general idea by answer the following questions. Q1: who/ when/ what/ ……….

  second reading: pair-discussion

  Ss read the article more carefully, and then discuss with their partners to finish the T/F exercises and fill in the table/blanks in the sentences.

  A : T/F

  B: Fill in blanks.


  Fill in the table, make an outline of the article, find the topic sentences of each paragraph, etc.

  Purpose: the two tasks are aim to develop Ss’ reading ability. Skimming for the main idea of the article, and scanning for the specific information. And then get a deep understanding of the article.

  Step 4 Post-reading (10mins)

  1)Group discussion: fill in the blanks

  Ss discuss the article with their group members, and find out the language points, such as the key words, phrases, and sentence structures in the article.

  And then fill in the blanks in a short passage present on the PPT. The short passage is made up from the article, and the answers are the language points in this lesson.

  After check the answers, I will help the Ss to summarize the language points.


  Use the key word and phrases presented on the PPT to retell the article.

  Make a report——小组合作,反馈

  Purpose: Through group work, cultivate the spirit of cooperation, and train the ability of solve problem by

  themselves. In class, the teacher is just a guide, while the Ss are the center, where, the teacher just join them, giving suggestions, and offering help when they need. Meanwhile, ask the Ss to retell the article, is an output, and it can evaluates how well the Ss learned in this lesson.

  Step 5 Homework (2mins)

  go over today’ lesson and preview the next lesson

  go to the library or search on the internet to get more extra material about this topic and then write a report. Purpose: consolidate the language points and do prepare for the next lesson, and develop the ability of writing. Part 5 Layout

  New words

  Title new phrases


  Good morning everyone. Standing here, I’m very happy and excited. It’s my great honor to be here to present my lesson, and the chance is very precious for me. And I’ll try my best. Now i will introduce myself briefly, my name is , born in Yunnan province. I was graduated from ________ my major is________.and i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 20xx, I spend most of my time on study, I have passed CET4、TEM4. and i have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time. I'm capable of more responsibilities.

  My character? i cannot describe it well, but i know i am optimistic and confident. I'm a good team player and I'm a person of great honesty to others. Also I am able to work under great pressure, sometimes i prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but i am not lonely, i like to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything, my favorite pastime is volleyball, playing cards or surf online. Through college life,i learn how to balance between study and entertainment. To be an English teacher is my dream, so now I am standing here.

  Today I’ll talk about unit 9 , the topic is about saving our earth, my contents consists of 8 parts ,the lesson is focused on the topic of the problems of the earth. I will talk about it from …..

  Analysis of the teaching material

  Analysis of the students

  Teaching methods

  Teaching aims and demands

  Teaching aids teaching aids

  Teaching procedure

  Blackboard design


  Well, firstly, I’ll tinterest is best teacher for the students. 2. It lays stress on the communication. According to the problem of Chinese students learning English, the book design a lot of material to improve the students’ ability of listening speaking, reading, and writing. So I think the book is very good.

  kids are very active and like so during my class, I’ll design some interesting games to activate them to participate and learn something. They will also be interested in the class.

  Next I’ll talk about My teaching methods are task-based approach and different methods can make the class active.

  Let’s move on to another

  There are knowledge aims and ability students to master the words and phrases… And the sentences…

  Knowledge Aims

  1. Talk about nature, ecology and the environment.

  2. Make the Ss know the Earth Summit and the importance of the environment.

  3. Further develop students’ reading ability as well as listening and speaking abilities.

  4. Make the Ss learn some useful words and expressions.

  5. Arouse the Ss to take better care of the earth.

  (1) To enable the Ss to understand and speak this topic: “ make sure that Ss can use useful expressions in real situations.

  We must make sure that… I am all for…

  Sure/ certainly/AbsoluteIt’s clear that…

  If nothing is done…, then… it would be better if we…

  I believe that we must… I can’t imagine that….

  Is there a better way to…

  (2) To help Ss to learn Make Ss learn some useful words and expressions as well as inversion.

  Ability aims are to improve students’ listening and speaking ability by reading and joining activities.

  (1) To develop Ss’ abilities of listening and speaking.

  (2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in groups.

  (3) To foster Ss’ abilities of communication

  Emotional Aims

  (1)To build Ss’ senses of good co-operation and care of our earth.

  (2) To lead Ss to show their loveliness to the poor.

  Now I’m going to talk about next part is

  In this class, I’ll use

  Now I’ll talk about most important partEnglish learners and real master .So teacher should act as a guider, an organizer and a director who play a role when necessary in teaching procedure. In my English Plan, It consists of 5 steps. Warming up, lead-in, contents key points and difficult points and homework.

  Step1 is warming up. Here I’ll use PPT to play an English song Bingo for the students and I’ll ask them try to follow it to sing together. By this, the students can be interested in it and pay their attention to our class easily and improve their ability of speaking.

  1. Free talk between T and Ss about problems what we are facing in the classroom.

  Step2 is lead-in (导入根据所授内容设计,可通过展示与本课有关的话题或者图片等等引出本课话题)

  1. At the beginning, Begin the class by showing some pictures of serious environmental problems. Now the earth is being seriously polluted

  2. Ask the Ss some questions.

  What’s the biggest problem facing the earth? Why do you think so?

  What causes the problem?

  What are the" big three”? Do you know of any other major problems facing the earth?

  What can we do solve the problem?

  Step 3 is contents(本部分为主要授课内容及组织的课堂活动。可从听说读写四块分写)

  After the reading, students will have some practices. It will be the most interesting part to students. Why? Because I will leave students time to talk together.

  1. The students are divided into several groups and there are four in each group with different roles.

  Student D will have a summarize.

  4. Ask the Ss use these useful expressions:

  Step 4 is key points and difficult points(本部分列出本课重难点可为单词句型或语法知识)


  (2) To enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.

  (3) To develop Ss’ interest in English.

  Teaching important points (生词、句型;培养阅读技能)

  1) New words and phrases

  2) Talking about problems of ……

  3) Develop their communicative ability. Act out their own

  4) Grammar: There are Inversion sentences in this lesson. We can see from the sentences that...


  2. 3. Among the speaker need for equality and fairness in the world. have bought one.


  Step 5 Blackboard Design

  Blackboard design should be thought for a thing that attract the student’s attention and let them to write down the important teaching points. I will divide the blackboard into two parts .The left part will be used to write the important vocabulary and grammar and their usage. It will be reserved for the whole class. The right part will be precious explanation, I will write some sentence of the words, phrases and structures to explain their meaning.

  Step 6 is homework. (作业形式最好新颖,例如课让学生根据本课内容做个小调查等)

  Write a speech paragraph to tell what you think the most serious environment problem is. Explain why you think the problem is serious and what you think should be done to solve it.

  Step 7 is conclusion

  We human beings should take good care of our planet, because it is the only place we can survive. Love the earth, love ourselves, more importantly; we need action to save the earth.

  No matter which steps are taken, the purpose is to provide teacher and students with information and internal demand to improve teaching skill and learning quality. Strategy and approach will help students become more independent and the successful learner.

  To be a good teacher is my dream; I think a teacher is not only a guide for the students, but also a friend of them. If I were a teacher, I would build a close relation with my students, helping them not only on their study, but also on their lives. I’ll try my best and I’m confident that I can be a good teacher.









