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时间:2024-06-13 16:22:47 说课稿 我要投稿






















































  1.主句谓语是think, believe, expect, suppose, imagine等引导的宾语从句,就从句部分提问。

  2. 陈述句部分主语是不定代词everybody, anyone, somebody, nobody, no one等,疑问部分常 用复数they,有时也用单数he。




  说设计这个教学程序的基本思路和根据。就初二学生来说他们学习以下的语法项目:be动词(包括be 动词的过去时); There be句型 ; 行为动词的一般现在时;行为动词的一般过去时;一般将来时;(包括There be句型的一般将来时);现在完成时;现在完成进行时;情态动词和祈使句。因此,我在讲授反意疑问句时,仅仅围绕学生学过的语法项目进行反意疑问句的教学并进行反复练习。具体练习作业本(上、下)、典中点中的练习都有,另外,再补充总结有关反意疑问句的专项练习加以巩固。








  一、含be(is, are, was, were)动词的反意疑问句


  句型1:主语+ be+其它,isn’t(aren’t, wasn’t, weren’t)+ 主语?

  句型2:主语+ be not+其它,is(are, was, were) + 主语?

  ① You are from America, aren’t you? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

  ② It isn’t very cold today, is it? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

  ③ Tom was away yesterday, wasn’t he? Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t.

  ④ The Green weren’t at home last night, were they?

  Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.

  ⑤ Mary is reading English now, isn’t she? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.

  ⑥ Your parents aren’t going to have a party this Sunday, are they?

  Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

  ⑦ The girls were singing when the teacher came in, weren’t they?

  Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.

  注意:There be句型

  ① There is an old picture on the wall, isn’t there?

  Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

  ② There aren’t any children in the room, are there?

  Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.

  ③ There wasn’t a telephone call for me, was there?

  Yes, there was. No, there wasn’t.

  ④ There were enough people to pick apples, weren’t there?

  Yes, there were. No, there weren’t.


  其句型是:句型1: 主语+动词原形+其它,don’t I(you, we, they)?

  句型2: 主语+ don’t+动词原形+其它,do I(you, we, they)?

  句型3: 主语+动词第三人称单数+其它,doesn’t he(she, it)?

  句型4: 主语+ doesn’t+动词原形+其它,does he(she, it)?

  ① You often watch TV in the evening, don’t you? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

  ② The students don’t study hard, do they? Yes, they do. No, they don’t.

  ③ Mary studies Chinese hard, doesn’t she? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.

  ④ The boy doesn’t often go to school by bike, does he?

  Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

  ⑤ The first class begins at eight, doesn’t it? Yes, it does. No, it doesn’t.

  三、 行为动词的一般过去时的反意疑问句

  其句型是:句型1: 主语+动词过去式+其它,didn’t+主语?

  句型2: 主语+didn’t+动词原形+其它,did +主语?

  ① You watched TV last night, didn’t you? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.

  ② Jim’s parents didn’t go to Hong Kong last month, did they?

  Yes, they did. No, they didn’t.

  ③ The rain stopped, didn’t it? Yes, it did. No, it didn’t.

  ④ Mr. Clarke didn’t buy a car, didn’t he? Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.


  其句型是:句型1: 主语+will+动词原形+其它,won’t+主语?

  句型2: 主语+ won’t +动词原形+其它,will +主语?

  ① The boys will play games, won’t they? Yes, they will. No, they won’t.

  ② It won’t stop raining, will it? Yes, it will. No, it won’t.

  ③ Mr. Smith will visit our school next week, won’t he? Yes, he will. No, he won’t.

  注意:There be句型的'一般将来时

  ① There will be a basketball match tomorrow, won’t there?

  Yes, there will. No, there won’t.

  ② There won’t be too much pollution in the future, will there?

  Yes, there will. No, there won’t.


  其句型是:句型1: 主语+have+动词过去分词+其它,haven’t+主语?

  句型2: 主语+ haven’t +动词过去分词+其它,have +主语?

  句型3: 主语+has+动词过去分词+其它,hasn’t+主语?

  句型4: 主语+ hasn’t +动词过去分词+其它,has +主语?

  ① You have been to Shanghai before, haven’t you? Yes I have. No, I haven’t.

  ② You haven’t been to Shanghai before, have you? Yes I have. No, I haven’t.

  ③ Jack has done his homework, hasn’t he? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.

  ④ Jack hasn’t done his homework, has he? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.



  句型1: 主语+have been+动词现在分词+其它,haven’t+主语?

  句型2: 主语+ haven’t been +动词现在分词+其它,have +主语?

  句型3: 主语+has been +动词现在分词+其它,hasn’t+主语?

  句型4: 主语+ hasn’t been +动词现在分词+其它,has +主语?

  ① You have been skating for five hours, haven’t you? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.

  ② You haven’t been skating for five hours, have you? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.

  ③ Bob has been collecting kites since 1999, hasn’t he? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.

  ④ Bob hasn’t been collecting kites since 1999, has he? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.


  其句型是:句型1: 主语+情态动词+动词原形+其它,情态动词否定形式+主语?

  句型2: 主语+情态动词否定形式+动词原形+其它,情态动词+主语?

  ① You can speak French, can’t you? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.

  ② They can’t understand me, can they? Yes, they can. No, they can’t.

  ③ Ann could swim when she was six, couldn’t she? Yes, she could. No, she couldn’t.

  ④ The students must study hard, mustn’t they? Yes, they must. No, they needn’t.

  注意:You must go home now, needn’t you? Yes, I must. No, I needn’t.




  1: Let me+动词原形+其它,shall I?

  Let me open the door, shall I?

  Yes, please. No, thanks.

  句型2: Let’s+动词原形+其它,shall we?

  Let’s go for a walk, shall we? Good idea! Sorry, I can’t.

  Let's go and listen to the music, shall we?

  句型3: Let us +动词原形+其它,will you?

  Let us have a reat, will you?

  Let us wait for you in the reading-room, will you ?

  句型4: 其它形式的祈使句,will you?

  Come into the classroom, will you? OK.

  Please be careful, will you?


  而是用上了“never, little, few, hardly, nothing, nobody”等词,这时该陈述句也属于否定句,因此,反意疑问句的后半部分应用肯定疑问式。

  ① You have never been to Beijing, have you? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.

  ② Mr. Fat has few friends here, does he? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

  ③ There is little milk in the bottle, is there? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

  ④ He could do nothing, could he? Yes, he could. No, he couldn’t.

  十、主句谓语是think, believe, expect, suppose, imagine等引导的宾语从句,就从句部分提问。

  I don't think he is bright, is he?

  We believe she can do it better, can't she?

  十一、 陈述部分的主语是不定代词everybody, anyone, somebody, nobody, no one等,疑问部分常用复数they,有时也用单数he。

  Everyone knows the answer, don't they? (does he?)

  Nobody knows about it, do they? (does he?)


  Module 10 Australia

  Unit 3 Language in use

  Good morning, dear judges. I'm number 4. It's my great honor to have this opportunity to interpret my teaching design here. The topic of this lesson is “unit 3 language in use module 10 Australia”. According to the New Curriculum Standard, I will begin interpreting my teaching design from the following parts.

  Ⅰ. Analysis of the teaching material

  Firstly, please allow me to talk about the analysis of the teaching material. The unit is from new standard English published by foreign language teaching and research press, the first semester of grade 9. The main topic of this unit is the function of the relative pronoun that and the usage of attributive clause with that. After learning this unit, students will grasp one of the major

  Ⅱ. Analysis of the students

  The second part is analysis of students. Our students are in Grade 9. They have learnt English for many years, so they have got some basic skills of studying English. However, grammar learning is difficult for them and they think grammar points are bald and useless. Thus the teacher should not only provide them more chances to practice and use the grammar but also set interesting situations to arouse their interest in grammar learning.

  Ⅲ. Analysis of the teaching aims

  On the basis of the idea of New Curriculum Standard in English class, teaching aims consist of three teaching aims, so I set following aims:

  First one is knowledge aims:

  Knowledge aim:

  Students can understand the function of the relative pronoun that.

  Students can grasp the usage of attributive clause with that.

  The next one is ability aims:

  Ability aim:

  Students can describe a place with attributive clause.

  Students can discover the rules of attributive clause with that under the teacher’s guidance.

  The last one is Emotional aims:

  Emotional aims:

  Students will increase their curiosity towards English grammar.

  Ⅳ. Analysis of the key and difficult points

  Now, let me talk about the next part ---- key point and difficult point.

  They are:

  the usage of attributive clause with that.

  how to apply the attributive clause with that to describe a place.

  Ⅴ. Analysis of teaching methods and learning methods

  After above analysis, I will talk about the teaching methods and learning methods. According to the New Curriculum Standard of English, students should be the main body of instruction activity, so I’ll mainly use “Task-based teaching method” to embody the first place of students; besides, I will also use “situational teaching method” as another main teaching method to arouse students’ interest in grammar learning. As to the learning methods, I will encourage students to finish tasks individually and cooperate with others

  Ⅵ. Analysis of the teaching aids

  The following part is the analysis of teaching aids. The teaching aids that I need include multi-media, pictures, and tape recorder.

  Ⅶ. Analysis of the teaching procedures

  Here I begin to present the most important part – analysis of the teaching procedures.

  Step 1 Warming up and lead- in:

  The first step is daily greetings and inviting them to observe the sentences we’ve learnt before and get a first impression of the new language point. All the sentences are included in a funny situation, which is a love story between Tom and Lucy.

  Tom is the man that loves Lucy.

  Tom is the man that Lucy loves.

  Beijing is the place that I love to visit.

  The purpose is to catch their attention and arouse their interest in grammar learning.

  Step 2 Presentation

  The second step consists of two activities. I will let students to read the passage in Activity 1 and underline all the sentences with that.

  Bondi Beach is the most beautiful beach that I have ever seen.

  It is a huge, wide beach that is very popular for swimming and other water sports.

  The hotel that we stayed in was right on the beach.

  It makes sure that students know the basic structure of attributive clause with that. Base on the principle of new curriculum standard, students should know how to learn English and master some self-learning strategies, thus I will lead them to conclude the meaning of attributive clause and the function of relative pronoun “that”. I will let students to discuss the meaning of the sentences with “that” in pairs by answering the following questions:

  a Who can paraphrase these sentences?

  b What does that refer to in these sentences?

  c What are the functions of the relative pronoun?

  They may share their answers in five minutes. The first sentence means that I have never seen a more beautiful beach than Bondi Beach, the second the beach is a huge and wide one, and it is popular for swimming and other water sports, the third we stayed in a hotel, and the hotel was right on the beach. In these three sentence that refers to the most beautiful beach, a huge, wild beach and the hotel respectively. The function of the relative pronoun is to refer to the noun or pronoun before it.

  Inductive method is used to understand the significance of grammar point. They may have the sense of achievement after understanding the grammar point by themselves and build up the confidence and desire to learn grammar.

  Step 3 Practice

  Ask students to complete the conversation in Activity 2 and share their answers.

  Step 3 aims to apply what they have learnt above into practice. I will ask students to complete the conversation in Activity 2 and share their answers. After completing the conversation, they can master the structure of attributive clause with that and function of relative pronoun that.

  Step 4 Production

  Describe a city that they like most with their group members and write some sentences about it, with at least three attributive clauses with that.

  Step 4 is to provide them a chance to output what they have learnt in step 3 and deepen the impression on this grammar point. In the meantime, I can check whether they have mastered them or not.

  Step 5: Summary and homework

  At last, it’s the summary and homework. I will ask students to summarize the grammar we have learned is in this lesson. The summary can let them review the grammar point again and consolidate it. The homework is to collect more information of their favorite cities and describe the cities with attributive clauses with that. It’s close to their daily life and students can be motivated to search more information about their favorite cities.

  Ⅷ. Analysis of the blackboard Design

  Lastly, let’s talk about the blackboard design. I will design my blackboard as follows; this could help students to understand the important information of this lesson clearly.

  That’s all for my presentation, thanks for your listening.


  Part One: Analysis of the Teaching Material


  1. This is an important lesson. To attain “four skills” request of listening , speaking, reading and writing. Start with listing part and tell the Ss to remember the new words. Ask the Ss to write the English sentences well. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.

  2. This is the first period of Unit7.It’s the part of the Lead-in.So if the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit.

  3. Such a topic is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken English.


  The Ss have learned English for more than one year and a half so far. They can speak simple English very well. The Ss have taken a great interest in English now.


  1.Knowledge objects

  (1) To make the Ss know how to use Object Clauses.

  (2) To study the new words and phrases: try one’s best, successful, imagine, soup, biscuit, pancake, cheese, pie.

  (3) To learn some phrases to about preparing for the food festival.

  make biscuits, learn to cook food, cook soup, set a table, write a song

  2. Ability objects

  (1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

  (2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs and groups.

  (3) To develop the Ss’ abilities of communication by learning the useful structures.

  3. Moral objects

  (1)To make Ss know something about the western food culture and the traditional food of western countries.

  (2)Let Ss know they should help people in need.


  1.Key points:

  (1).To help Ss grasp the new words and phrases.

  (2).To help Ss master the Objective Clauses.

  (3) To enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.

  2. Difficult points: How to use the Objective Clauses to express thoughts.


  Tape recorder, Pictures, Software: Power point

  Part Two: The Teaching Methods

  1. Communicative teaching method

  2. Audio-visual teaching method

  3. Task-based” teaching method

  4. Explorable teaching method

  As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to cultivate students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Communicative” teaching method, “Audio-visual” teaching method and “Task-based” teaching method. That is to say, I’ll let the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of Section A. I’ll give the Ss some tasks and arrange four kinds of activities: talking, watching CAI, listening to the tape, reading.

  Teaching special features:

  I’ll use the Explorable teaching method to let Ss grasp the rules of the Object Clauses. It’s helpful to develop Ss’ thought and learning ability.

  Part Three: Studying Ways

  1.Let the Ss pass “Observation---Imitation---Practice” to study language.

  2.Teach Ss how to master the key structures and how to communicate with others.

  Teaching special features:

  Develop Ss’ abilities of Independent learning and cooperative learning.

  Part Four:Teaching Procedure

  Step 1: Lead-in

  1. Show a picture of food festival, tell Ss in the picture are having a food festival now. And in this unit we are going to learn something about food festival, different kinds of delicious food and its culture.

  2.let Ss look at the different kinds of food in it. Then learn the new words: soup, biscuit, pancake, cheese, pie.

  Purpose of my designing: I think it is easy for Ss to remember words with pictures. It’s a kind of Intuitive learning.

  According to knowledge of psychology, this method is useful to Ss’memory.

  Step2. Presentation

  1.Make Ss thing about what the food festival will be like. Learn the new word: imagine. Let Ss discuss it after the example in groups.Write these examples on the blackboard:I imagine (that) a lot of people will come to the food festival. I think/guess/suppose (that)…

  Purpose of my designing: Let Ss know how to use Object Clauses to express their own ideas.In this period, Explorable teaching method is used to train Ss’discovering learning abilities.And they talk in groups so it can develop their cooperative learning abilities.

  2. Show another picture to tell Ss Kang Kang and his friends are going to have a food festival. Let Ss listen to the tape of 1a and answer the question : why are they going to have a food festival?

  3.Use CAI to introduce Daniel Igali to Ss. Learn the new words :Nigeria, wrestling, successful.Then listen again and answer these questions: what does Jane/Maria say? What does Kangkang know? What does Michael think?

  Purpose of my designing: Task-based teaching method is used here to train Ss’listening abilities. And it can make Ss go on to practice using Objective Clauses.


  1.First play the tape recorder. Let Ss listen and imitate the dialogue. Pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation. In this step Ss are required to practice the Sample in pairs by reading the dialogue aloud. This step is employed to make the Ss grasp the Sample.

  Purpose: This step is employed to make Ss get the general idea of the dialogue as a whole one. At the same time let Ss have a chance to practice their listening and spoken ability.

  2.Do Part 2 pair work

  Purpose: Consolidate the new words and structures learnt. Also it practices their listening and spoken abilities.


  Review new words and structures Ss learnt .


  (1) Recite the words.

  (2) Write a short passage of a helpful person you know and his/her good deeds.

  Purpose of my designing: I think homework is so important that the Ss should speak English as much as they can in class or after class. It is necessary for the Ss to do some extensive exercises after class to consolidate the knowledge they learned.

  Blackboard Design

  Unit 7 Food Festival

  Topic 1 SectionA

  Food: soup, biscuit, pancake, cheese, pie

  I imagine (that)…

  I guess/think/suppose(that)…

  Jane says(that)…

  for raising money---help---Daniel Igail---help---the poor village

  Nigeria wrestling

  Being a helpful person


  《Lesson21 Look at Your Hair》说课稿

  Good morning ladies and gentlemen .I’m very happy to see you.Today I’ll

  talk about Lesson21 Look at Y our Hair Grade 3 Hebei Education Press. I’ll talk

  about this lesson with the following parts : Teaching Aims ,Teaching Procedures, Teaching

  Methods and so on.

  I Say teaching Aims

  (1)Aims of knowledge

  Let students grasp the main words: blond ,long 、short 、curly 、straight

  And use the sentence structure :What colour is your

  hair ?

  My hair is ...to talk about the hair.

  (2)Aims of ablity

  Go on improving students’skills of listening ,speaking,reading and writing,especially develop

  students’practing and creating ability.

  (3)Aims of emotion

  Make students more interested in learning English and develope good studying hobby.Make students enjoy learning ,taking part in ,competing and cooperating.

  二、 说教学方法


  1、说唱引入 激发兴趣

  歌谣能给学生创设一个开放宽松的环境,使学生怀着轻松愉快的心情投入学习,所以在热身环节中我选择歌曲《Head shoulders knees toes 》

  2、创设情境 呈现新知


  3、互动操练 及时评价


  Say Teaching Procedures

  (一)Class opening

  1、 Let’s sing a song 《Head shoulders knees toes》

  2、 Greeting:

  hello ,boys and girls . How are you?

  Today I’m very happy .Are you happy?

  3、 Revision

  (1) Words :cold、 hot 、warm 、cool

  T: How do you feel?

  S: I feel_____.

  (2) Words: head 、arm、 leg、 hand、 foot.

  Play Joining game, Review parts of the body.

  (二)New Concepts

  1、Words: hair、 long 、short、 straight 、curly

  (1)T:(A barbie doll is in teacher’s hands.)Today I’ll

  introduce a new friend : Anne .Look ! She is very beautiful.

  T: (Point to Anne’s hair ) Now please look here.

  What’s this? This is hair.

  板书 hair The students read the word after teacher seveal times.

  (2)Anne: I’m not beautiful. I want to be a barber.

  Show powerpoint to learn words : long 、short、 straight 、curly

  (3)Let students intrduce in their groups

  This is______(long short straight curly) hair.

  2、Word: blond

  Sentences: What colour is your hair?

  My hair is ______

  (1)T: (Point to Anne’s hair ) What colour is Anne’s hair?

  T: It’s blond

  (板书:blond )

  (2)T: What colour is your hair?

  (Point to the student )

  S: My hair is black.

  Ask and answer in pairs.

  (3)现在我们进行一次发型设计比赛,让同学们为自己设计一个新发型,把它画下来,可以把头发染成自己喜欢的颜色。(并标明long short straight curly或颜色)


  My hair is_______(long short straight curly) hair.

  My hair is_____(colours)



  (三)Class closing

  Let’s sing 《If you’re happy and you know it》.


  Draw a picture.为自己的妈妈设计一种好看的发型并标明long short straight curly和颜色,向妈妈介绍一下你的设计。

  四 、板书设计

  Lesson 21 : Look at Your Hair !

  1 、long 2、What colour is your hair?shortMy hair is _______.

  hair straight





  作为一名从事初中英语教育有近八年的教学实践的青年教师,我认为在“新课程标准”和“新基础教育”的理念的指导下,这节课应该既能够让学生的学习有意义,也能够让教师在扎实、充实、平实、真实的授课过程中真正享受到,“教学作为一个创造过程的全部欢乐和智慧的体验”。同时,本单元是以话“交通”题材为教学主要内容的新目标(Go for it)教材典型设计,借助本单元可以给学生在学习方法上以很好的指导,并可以在小空间内进行大规模的扎实、有效的训练。






  在本节课中,对于“整齐划一”可以从两点来说明: 首先,本人一直认为作为语言教学,听说读写等能力的训练应该是一个整体,不可分割开来的,因此在教学设计中可以说一个话题,一个训练都蕴含着各种能力的培养;其次,在教学中每一节课都是独立的,但在我的教学设计中每一节课不仅可以独立,更重视它在单元教学整体中的地位与作用。与每一节课内衔接一样,单元教学的整体衔接也很重要。


  本节课从简单的对“How do you get to school in the morning?”的询问入手,引入对重要课文Section A 3a 的`复习。通过学生复述这段文字,重点巩固由“How, How long, How far”引导的谈论交通话题的重要句型,并提炼相关的信息形成新的对话,为下一环节作铺垫。即课文Section A 3b 的训练,通过第一、二人称来谈论交通话题的训练,拓展到以第三人称来谈论他人的交通话题,进而让课文Section B 2a, 2b, 2c 的学习水到渠成。然后完成对本节课学习的测试,进行归纳总结本节课的要点。最后,作业一中让学生来完成交通方式的图片收集,是对本节内容的进一步深化;作业二中要求学生做一个调查,并形成调查报告,实际上和测试二一起构成了对Section B 3a 的有效预习。









  着重思维能力的训练,围绕话题进行多方面的扩展性的练习,并充分地利用 Listening 和Speaking,引发学生积极思维,以Groupwork和Pairwork等多种形式讨论和操练。最终达到让学生熟练谈论“交通”这一说话能力的目标。并在作业中以预习形式对这一目标进行了延伸。








  本单元的核心教学项目是“看病就医”(Seeing the doctor ),各课围绕这核心项目设计安排了听、说、读、写活动。对话,课文及练习内容均取自于学生的日常生活,实用性强。学生们会因为此话题的趣味性及实用性而感兴趣, 故能在学中用,用中学,印象深刻。

  1. 在 Lesson69 课中,第一部分设计了Jill 生病的一幅情景图,并配有一个短对话,引出Seeing the doctor 的动机。第二部分利用Puzzle dialogue形式把本单元重点话题自然地,以日常生活的活动形式呈现给学生。第三部分采用Look, say and write活动,自然地引出情态动词 have to的用法。

  2. 在 Lesson 70 课中,阅读文章Dreams 是前一课对话内容的继续。男孩Roy老做梦,造成睡眠不佳,故前去看病就医。阅读前有两个问题供学生讨论,以便让学生思考在先,或带着问题去阅读。

  3. Lesson 71 课是语言训练课。第一部分是一段有关饮食与健康关系的短对话,同时也为学生提供了语言训练的样板。第二部分是以操练Link verb为宗旨的句型范例。第三部分是所学语言知识的自然延伸,向学生介绍二位世界著名医学界人士Nightingale和Bethune。

  4. Lesson72课是综合练习课,它包括了围绕着Seeing the doctor的功能话题 的听力练习、句型操练、对话复习及写作示范,以巩固学生对本单元的核心话题Seeing the doctor的记忆与理解。

  通过对本单元教材内容的分析,不难看出 Seeing the doctor 这一话题取自于生活,实用性强,学生容易接受,并对此兴致盎然,教师也较容易激活与其相关的语言知识,所以就该话题本身而言,并不是很难,真正的重点和难点在于:

  掌握有关Seeing the doctor 的习惯用语。l

  能灵活运用have to 重点句型,并清楚其运用的场合和与must 的区别。l

  掌握link verb的用法特点l



  The words and expressionsl used in the talking “Seeing the doctor”.

  The pattern : have tol

  l Grammar: link verb


  To develop students’ ability of listeningl and talking about “Seeing the doctor”.

  To develop students’ ability ofl reading comprehension by reading the text Dreams .

  To develop students’l ability of observation 、 imagination and creation.

  3. 情意目标

  Tol encourage students to be brave enough to speak English more in class.

  Tol encourage students to keep health in order to serve the people and their country in the future.

  三、 教学设想

  通过诊断性评价,可了解到学生在以前的教材中,已学过了与Seeing the doctor 话题 相关的单词和句子,如head 、eyes 、hands,、foot 、legs 等身体部位单词及句型 What’s wrong with you ? I don’t feel well . My head hurts. etc.这为学生循序漸进地自然习得Seeing the doctor的语言知识,铺垫了良好的语言学习基础。 因此,笔者根据Seeing the doctor 这个话题的交际性能强,实际运用广等特点,将本单元的教学策略重点定位在三个教学环节上,即,Presentation, Practice 和 Production上,将“激发兴趣,激活思维,轻松导入;读后仿说,逐层训练,强化能力;创设情景,迁移知识,实现交际”作为本单元设计的导向。

  1. Presentation-------激发兴趣 ,激活思维,轻松导入。


  1) Lesson 69 的导入方法

  Take exercise做运动. 跟着“健康歌”的乐曲,让学生跟着老师做健康操。l

  l Play games 做游戏 . 让学生相互之间做“Touch your nose”的游戏。

  Chant 读节奏诗.l 老师可根据课文要求,编写与教学内容相符的小诗,歌曲等。

  以上几个活动,均与学生的原有知识the parts of the body 有关,采用这种手法进行热身,不仅复习了相关的学习内容,更主要的是让学生在“做做、唱唱、笑笑”中进入了学习状态,从而引出对话

  ——Can you take exercise like me ?

  ——No, I can’t. I have a headache today.

  ——Can you play the game with me ?

  ——No, I can’t. I have a cold today. etc.


  ——Xiao Li can’t play games with us .Do you know why?

  ——I know he has a cold today。

  .(然后帮助学生认知have a headache / a cold /a cough 等习语)

  On dutyl 值日生汇报. 让值日生创设情景,与Partner就前一单元课文 内容“Mr. Smile在家中举行Party”,进行自由问答,然后切入主题

  ——Did Kate go to the party ?

  ——No, she didn’t.

  ——Why did she not go there ?

  ——Because she was ill.

  ——What was wrong?

  ——She had a cold . She had a cough and a headache.

  ——Oh ,I’m sorry to hear that .Is she better now?



  2) Lesson 70 的导入方法

  Story-tellingl 老师或学生进行story介绍,如

  Oh, boys and girls, there is something wrong with me ,too. I didn’t sleep well last night. Do you know why?

  这时,学生会由于问题的提出而活跃起来,会七嘴八舌地进行猜测,然后老师向学生描述梦境,引出生词和词组 dream, fall asleep, wake up 等,为引出Roy的unhappy dream,激活了思维,扫清了语言障碍。

  Picture-talkingl 利用多媒体,向学生展开画面,引导学生对dreams 进行讨论和评说。

  -----What is he/she doing? -----He/She is sleeping.

  -----What is he/she doing while he/she is asleep? -----He/She is dreaming.

  -----Did he have a good dream or a terrible one? ---.

  在引出生字dream 后,帮助学生就做梦与身体健康之间的关系,进行讨论,在热烈的气氛中,自然地过渡到课文Dreams的学习上。

  3) Lesson 71 导入方法

  Have a quizl 做讨论题。包括饮食,休息,锻炼,健康等一些常识性问题,来吸引学生的兴趣与注意,激发他们敢于质疑,大胆解疑,以引导学生通过积极投入语言实践,逐步向新材料逼近,为Lesson 71 的第一部分有关饮食与健康的对话学习,做了必要的铺垫。


  Stick figuresl 采用简笔画手法,来引出新语言点link verb 的用法。如


  -----What is he/she like today?

  -----Is he/she happy or unhappy?

  -----Do you know why he/she looks happy/unhappy? etc.

  采用这种方法,不仅仅是方便,直观,能引起学生的兴趣和注意力,更因为它们的恰到好处的运用,激活了学生的思维,为引出听力材料 Mr. Brown’s trouble 做好了准备。如通过对简笔画的讨论,把话题转入听力材料的内容中。

  -----Is Mr. Brown happy or unhappy today, Do you want to know?

  -----What’s his trouble, do you know?

  2. Practice------- 读后仿说,逐层训练,强化能力.

  学生在教师的引导下学习了新句型,新单词以后,还必须对所学的知识进行巩固。在没有对新句型,新单词等达到一定的熟练程度之前,学生很难将所学的知识应用到实际生活中去。因此,采用师生合作,生生合作,结合话题,围绕新知识点进行对话,交流和讨论等活动,让学生获得基本的语言能力。如在训练句型have to 时,我设计了三个训练程序。

  师生问答 就Lesson 69的第三部分进行师问生答,并完成笔头作业。l

  生生问答 就句型Ifl you---,what do you have to do ? 进行pairwork 。

  小组讨论l 提供情景,加大信息量,引导学生进行groupwork. 如,

  1.If your mother is ill and she can’t cook supper for you when you come back from school one day. What do you have to do ?

  2.One day when you were on your way to school, You saw an accident happen. An old man was lying on the ground. He couldn’t move .What did you have to do ?


  当然,根据不同的教学内容,有不同的强化训练手段。如,对Lesson70 的阅读文章的Practice方法是:

  表层分析——复述应答:l 要求学生机械重复课文中的内容,使课文信息再现。(是非题,课后问答题,图表填空题,竞赛等)

  深层剖析——推断应答:l 要求学生利用信息,凭借经验理解读物的“弦外之意”。(指导性问题和细节性问题)

  整体评价——自由交际:l 要求学生用所学知识,对新情景进行交际。(教师选择恰当的,与课文相关和有关社会热点的Topics。)


  3. Production-------创设新景,迁移知识,实现交际。


  Lesson 69 1)表演(perform): 创设新的情景,如:护送运动会上受伤的学生去医院就症;帮助交通事故中受轻伤的老大爷回家等。

  2)采访(interview): 询问同学身体健康状况。

  Lesson 70 1)话题(topic): “_________dream”。(留有空白,让学生自由发挥想象)

  2) 表演(perform): 采访“老寿星”(a long-lived man/woman)活动。

  Lesson 71 1)评论(comment):“Why so many fat children in our country now?”

  “ Why so many students who have poor eye-sight today?

  2)采访(interview): “What do you like to eat?”

  Lesson 72 1)话题(topic):“How to correctly arrange your three meals a day?”

  2)活动(activity): “A school doctor is wanted”





  本单元是初中英语新教材第三册第2单元,本单元的核心话题为“talk about what they used to be like”,围绕着谈论过去自己和他人过去经常做的事,谈论自己和他人过去的外貌性格爱好,以观察图片、听力理解、阅读理解等训练方式和独立学习、合作交流、完成任务等形式完成目标语言的输入,学习句型Used to 为主要学习任务,并且设置任务型综合性语言实践活动,让学生在交际活动中,学会如何正确地用英语表达自己的意见和建议,重在培养学生的习得语言运用能力、实践能力、合作能力及创新意识。




  ●Used to, dark, spider, insect

  ●Used to

  ●Conjunction but


  ●Mario used to be short.

  ●Yes, he did. Now he’s tall.

  ●I used to eat candy all the time.

  ● Did you ?

  ●Yes, I did. And I used to chew gum a lot.


  1)依托本单元的语言素材提高学生听、说、读、写及自学、创新和沟通能力。熟练掌握“used to” 句型,培养学生运用语言的能力。



  4) 在表演中培养学生乐于表达的人际交往能力和知识创新能力。


  重点: used to句型。

  难点:used to句型在日常生活中的运用。
















  课 时内容任 务主要方法Period 1Section A 1a-2c掌握本单元的单词;初步掌握used to 的用法听、说Period 2Section A 3a- 4掌握并能运用used to 的用法,学会谈论过去;巩固新知,完成Section A学习任务。听、说、写Period 3Section B 1a-2c能够谈论自己或他人过去的外貌、性格、爱好等,提高交际能力听、写、说Period 4Section B 3a- 4b阅读理解,写出2b的描述。完成Section B,提高写作能力。听、读、写Period 5Selfcheck1-2查漏补缺,复习巩固,拓展新知听、说、写作











  T: What’s this?

  S: It’s a photo.

  T: Who is it?

  S: It’s…

  T: He used to be short, didn’t he?

  S: Yes.

  She used to be thin ,right?

  She used to have short hair. outgoing ,etc.

  让学生根据图片所提供的信息回答问题,从图片导入,为本课的学习used to 句型做了铺垫。当学生一一回答出上述问题后,将表示外貌和性格的形容词板书出来。可以请同学们描述照片中人物的过去的相貌和性格,并说出更多的这样的句子,引导学生该如何描述过去常常的事等,让他们慢慢领悟到:在对比情况下,怎样描述过去,让他们以愉悦的心情接受新知识。





  Mario used t be__short______. He used to wear_________________.Amy used to be ______________. She used to have ________________.Tina used to have _____________ and ________________ hair.

  第二遍,采用漏词填空形式,将听力材料打印出来,漏掉关键词语,让学生边听边填。最后,将含有答案的听力材料展示在大屏幕上。设置的填空既要考虑难易适中,又要照顾本课重点。不能让学生听不懂,失去信心。我们应该让学生觉得“我行”,而不是“我不行”。本课听力主要在于考察学生对形容词的掌握,所以在设置填空时,将其作为重点。让学生通过填空去体会,给学生留下深刻的记忆。然后让学生根据手中的听力原文,跟读录音,进行朗读训练,这样不仅练习了1c 的pair work,更重要的是让学生学习到了纯正的语音、语调,弥补了教材朗读材料的不足。




  让学生根据自己的喜好,表达自己的猜测。练习之后再听,学生听起来有的放矢,避免了听不懂听力内容的尴尬。听两遍学生就能顺利地完成2a和2b,也为2c 的pair work打下基础。











  通过读写训练,进一步学会用 used to 结构来表达自己和同伴过去害怕,或现在仍旧害怕的事情,并且要把最后的结果书写下来,然后让他们将结果用英语告之其他同学,为学生创造展示才能的机会。这样能使全体同学都积极参与,集中精力认真听。既巩固了本节课的目标语言,又为下一个环节3b的对话打下基础。活动结问题比较容易,英语基础较差的学生也能够独立完成,因此,在检查答案是尽量让这部分学生回答,使他们体验到成功后的喜悦,提高他们学习英语的兴趣。




  ActivityPastNowEat…Read…Watch…on TVDo …at school










  What other things did you use to do when you were a child?


















  1.What is Rose Tang’s biggest problem?

  2. What do Rose Tang think of her life?

  3.Did she miss the old days?




  Rose Tang’ thenRose Tang’s now






  I…My parents used to…booksI like reading comicsmusicsportsfoodFavorite subject at schoolFavorite things




  I. 词汇检测

  Self check 中所列词汇皆为本单元重点,重在考察学生的基础知识。为了检测学生对词汇掌握的程度和运用情况,这一环节设计两个练习。


  1)I _________the sea. I don’t know how to swim.

  2)Don’t __________things so much. It will make you stressed out.

  3)Sorry, I can’t join you. I __________study for a test.

  4)I really ________my friend Tina. She moved to another town.

  5)I _________have short hair but now I grow it long.

  Check the answers.



  1) be afraid of


  2)worry about


  3)have to


  4) miss


  5) used to














  这几天不知为什么,手边的东西总是四处乱丢。一天大约二分之一的业余时间基本上都在找东西。因此每天使用频率最高的一句话:”Where is my pen?” “Where is my book?”(我的书在哪里)等等,通常同事们都是用there be 句型+方位介词做回答。今天我说课的内容选自于初一人教版第十单元37课,标题为 Where is it? 由此可见,初中人教版的对话编排几乎都是从生活中实际需要出发,让学生能掌握生活中基本的常识交流。发展他们自主学习的能力,形成有效的学习策略。本节课侧重于对方位介词的理解与应用。无论是情景对话实际应用还是考试练习,它都占据着非常重要的一席之地。


  知识目标: 熟练应用介词 on, in, under, behind, near.及there be 句型。

  能力目标: 激发培养学生的学习兴趣,培养观察、记忆、思维、想象及创造能力。掌握一定的语言基本知识和基本技能。了解文化差异。

  德育目标: 乐于为别人提供帮助。







  1. 提问,问出主题。我精心设计了四个问题,其共性是简单直接明了。前三个问题都是复习了九单元有关家庭的话题。第四个问题依据地点从小到大的原则问出了很多关于”Where is it?”,并用介词作简单回答。在复习时,教师是位”强化记忆者“。我采取快速地口头提问,要求学生迅速反应。这种复习方法在于培养学生在无法预先准备的真实情况下运用英语的能力。(现场演示第四)

  2. 分析讨论。教学大纲的教学目的要求学生了解文化差异,了解英汉之间的文化差异是为了提高学生的学习自觉性。针对这一目标,我设计了第二个环节。提供一张图片,让学生尽可能地用到介词。并提出问题:中英文在表示方位时有何区别与联系?各有什么特点?小组讨论总结,陈述意见。

  3. 反复操练。

  (a)从两组随意抽取两人。一人根据录音听力画图,一人根据图片作文字描述。(出现there be 句型)初中英语说课稿

  (b) 把图片擦掉,每组选出一名学生参加比赛。根据记忆重述图片。(强调there be 句型)


  (d)各组总结性发言。(提出there be 句型的小组加双倍的分值)

  补充说明:教师做示范。所有内容与介词有关,引导学生用到there be 句型。

  4. 编写短剧。 根据已有图片提示。要求学生展开想象,尽可能使用介词及there be 句型。小组内讨论展开。教师作为评分者。评分标准为:1.介词使用率高 2. 想象丰富,幽默诙谐。3. 结尾出人意料。

  5. 扩展练习。以上所学内容着重于对方位介词的理解与应用。在介词中,in,on 的用法很多。小组收集有关in on 的其他用法。并分析以下句子。发现问题,提出问题,自己着手解决问题。

  (a) The window is ____ the wall. The map is _____ the wall.

  (b) The apple is _____ the tree. The bird is ____the tree.

  There is an apple ____ the radio. I heard the news ____the radio.

  (d) There ____ a book and two boxes on the desk. There ___ two boxes and a book on the desk.

  6. 知识升华。(a)NBA 组对现场一位教师进行描述,OASER 组进行猜测。依次进行。


  7. 作业:第六部分的b部分。


  课题:Lesson12: Danny’s Plant说课稿

  一、说教材:本课是冀教版八年级下册第二单元的最后一课。本单元以植物为主题展开。主要学习了植物为什么重要,植物的种植步骤和植物在我们日常生活中的作用 。而本课则主要学习植物体各个部分的表达法以及他们在我们生活中的作用。






  Teacher ask something about last lesson

  Step3.Learn the new words and phrases.

  angriculture ,seed , pot , sprout , stem , bud , carefully , yard .

  at the top of , a flower bud , look after .

  Step4.Think About It .

  Step5.Read the lesson and answer the questions .

  1.What did Danny and his classmates do to learn more about plants?

  2.What happened after Danny watered the seed of his plant?

  3.Why will Danny put the pot in the yard?

  4.What does Danny want to send to Li Ming?

  Step6.learn the text

  Step7.Complete part 2 in “Let’s Do It.”




  1.Remember the new words and main sentences.

  2. Finish off activity book.

  3.Preview lesson 13.


  Good morning, dear judges. I'm number 2. I am very glad to interpret my teaching design here. The topic of this lesson is “Where did you go on vacation?”. My presentation consists of the following aspects.

  At fist, I want to say something about the analysis of teaching material. This lesson is chosen from PEP English book, the first semester of grade8, Unit 1. The main topic of this unit is about holiday. This unit is very interesting because students can talk about a lot interesting things in their vacation. After students learnt this unit, they could express the past things, their speaking and listening abilities can also be improved .

  The second part is analysis of students. Overall, the thinking mode of students in junior middle school has become abstract and logical, even the reflective thinking has appeared. However, to some extent, abstract thinking still needs specific image as a foundation. At the same time, the quality of thinking of junior middle school students, especially the independence and criticalness, have had a big development. But the one-sidedness and superficiality are easy to occur.

  Based on the idea of New Curriculum Standard in English class, teaching aims consist of three teaching aims, so my teaching aims are made up of following three parts:

  First one is knowledge aims:

  (1)Students can understand the usage of simple past tense.

  (2)Students can master some new sentences: where did you go on vacation? I went to….

  The next one is ability aims:

  (1)Students can use the simple past tense to describe things happened in the past;

  (2) Students can improve their listening and speaking abilities;

  (3)Students can use English to talk about the thing they did during their vacation.

  The last one is Emotional aims:

  (1)Can improve the confidence of learning English, and not afraid of speaking English in class;

  (2)Can cooperate with others actively, and complete the tasks together.

  Then let me talk about the key points and difficult points.

  The key points are:

  (1) the usage of simple past tense;

  (2) to use the new sentences to communicate with others fluently.

  The difficult points are:

  (1)Can use the new sentence to communicate with others fluently.

  (2)Can improve the confidence of learning English, and not afraid of speaking English;

  (3)Can get the main idea of listening material, and get the useful information from material.




  本单元的核心教学项目是“谈论现在的情况”(Talking about the present),整个教学内容主要围绕“正在干什么”这个话题展开,以此为语言背景,让学生通过4个课时的学习感知,初步掌握本单元的语法项目--现在进行时的用法。本单元的一个突出特点是:功能项目与语法项目是的统一的。功能项目是用现在进行时来描述,它的语法项目是以功能项目为依托的。前一单元的学习运用Can情态动词时,学生复习掌握了大量的动词词汇为本单元学生掌握进行时打下了良好的基础。本课是本单元的第四课,它是本单元的复习课没有新的语法要点。但它通过问答,对话表演及阅读等活动,巩固学生运用现在进行时表达实际需要的技能,换句话说,本课虽然是复习课,但我认为编者的意图不仅仅是让我们把它定位在复习巩固的要求上,而是希望通过这一课,使学生能把本单元的功能项目与语法项目达到真正的统一,从而达到学以致用,培养用英语进行交际的能力。在运用英语的过程中掌握英语。


 1. 语言知识:掌握单词Wear及Clear

  掌握句型:I’m wearing…


  2. 语言技能:培养听说读写能力,尤其是说的能力,能与他人沟通信息,合作完成任务,并能运用现在进行时独立表达个人思想观点,为将来的写作打下良好的基础。

  3. 情感态度:通过一系列有趣的活动与任务,激发并强化学生的学习兴趣,引导他们逐渐将兴趣转化为稳定的学习动机,在教学中给以大量的信息沟,让学生产生强烈的学习愿望,积极主动地真实地投入到学习中去。

  4. 学习策略:通过任务型的教学,让学生学会自主学习,归纳总结,培养主动学习的能力。尤其对所学内容能主动复习并加以整理和归纳的能力。

  5. 文化意识:通过一些国外校园生活的图片来了解外国学生的生活。开拓学生的视野,并加以对比,从而培养学生的跨文化意识。


  1. 重点:要求学生能综合运用现在进行时的各种句型。

  2. 难点:用现在进行时来描述一个情景。



  1. 课前热身:让学生们边说边做动作。这段Chant联系了两个内容,一是现在进行时,二是We’re having a party. We are happy. 这两点都紧扣本课的两个要点。

  2. Revision: Are you happy? Let’s do something happy and funny. Let’s play a game. What are you doing? I’m cooking, cooking. 全班分为四组,每组代表轮流提问:what are you doing ,下一组任何一位同学快速回答I’m cooking, cooking.并做相应动作。这一游戏不仅复习了大量的动词和进行时,也让学生逐渐在比赛中趋向兴奋的状态。

  3. Presentation: I’m happy today, Do you know why? Because it’s my birthday today.把学生的注意力引到我的身上。Look at me. What am I wearing today? I’m wearing a skirt. I am wearing a sweater.引出今天要掌握的单词wear与句型I’m wearing…,然后提问What are you wearing? What is he /she wearing? 学生刚开始回答时可能会用I am in …..?但回答过几轮之后他们就能够正确运用Wear这个词了。

  4.Read and act. 提问: What is Lily wearing? Part 4 Lesson 84,听录音,回答问题,然后Listen and repeat. Practise in pairs . 从Presentation到这儿,可以说都是任务前的准备,然后布置任务。Show the pictures of three pop stars. Suppose one of them is your friend. He’s from Taiwan. He’s lost. You can’t find him, practice in pairs, make up a dialogue. Let your partner help you find him. Act it out.要求他们用上句型 What is he/she wearing? 这是一个两人合作的任务,学生很自然地运用课文第四部分的对话,并加上自己的想象,通过描述衣着来判断哪一个是对方的朋友。该任务的难度不大,是面向全体的。学生通过顺利完成任务,增强了自信,提高了兴趣。任务的难度应该是循序渐进的,这样才不会使学生被突如其来的困难吓倒,让他们在心理上有一个准备和适应的过程。揭示三张图片,露出三位台湾当红艺人,学生对他们非常感兴趣,遮挡的脸更刺激了他们的好奇心,使他们产生了强烈的参与和合作愿望。可以说这是教师在“投其所好”,但学生是教学的主体,多考虑主体的需要对我们的课堂教学只有好处而无不利。同时我们也要不失时机地进行思想教育,三位艺人虽然红透半边天,但他们也付出了辛勤的.劳动才有今天的成果,我们也应该认真学习,为将来做准备。

  5.Classify the verbs

  T: One of them is my friend. He’s wearing a black suit, a blue shirt and he’s playing the guitar. Who is he? Yes, he is Wu Zongxian. Do you know his program? Yes. “I guess”.

  OK, I’m Jacky Wu. Let’s play this game. Four groups, let’s see who’s the winner today.


  The first part, classify the following verbs: run, give, write, cook, swim, see, have, sit, clean, put, eat, come. Work in fours. 该任务有一定的难度,四人一组讨论可以降低难度。正确的答案是根据动词现在分词进行分类。为了使该任务更具实际意义,更真实地训练学生自主学习,复习归纳的能力,我在前几课教现在分词时都没有进行归类,甚至当一些细心的学生提问为什么要去e, 为什么要双写时,我都要求他们先自己分析,观察。当时上课前也担心学生无法完成,事实证明学生的探究能力比我们想象的要强。大部分学生都能正确做出解答,只有个别学生出现错误。我们老师可以在课后询问原因。在完成该任务时,教师可以根据学生的实际情况,对任务的难度进行调整,如明确分类的根据。不要忘了在任务完成之后,分别给以高度评价和热情鼓励。

  6.Who has good eyes

  接下来进入第二个游戏环节,let’s see who has good eyes.通过闪烁的图片让学生抢答猜测,运用句型Are they playing……?/Is he/she running? 通过完成该任务,复习了现在进行时的各种句型。

  7.Who has good memory

  游戏三,比记忆力。I’ll show you two pictures, there’re some people in them. What are they doing ? What are they wearing ? There are some differences between them, find them out as quickly as you can. 该任务可以说是上一任务的延续,上一任务只让学生一句、一句地讲,这一个任务自然地要求他们两句或更多地表达,这为最后整个场景的描述一步一步打下基础。

  8.Who has good ears?

  I’m thirsty now. I’d like to drink some water (drinking ).Look, the water is very clear. I can see you through it. Show the colour page, listen to the tape, answer the question: What are the cats doing ? What do they want to do ? then open the books, read the passage loudly yourselves, then ask somebody to come to the Bb. Listen to the tape and point to what you hear in the picture.

  9.Who has good mouth?/Who is good at talking?

  通过上一任务的练习,学生了解如何进行整篇文章的描述,接下来他们就要进行实践。Talk about the picture .该任务是本课的总任务,也是本课的最终目的。四人一组讨论手中图片,最后推选一名代表起立描述。在每次的合作过程中,总会有一个学生成为任务的核心。所以,老师们会担心,小组合作完成任务的过程会成为少数优秀生学习发展的过程,而对绝大部分同学来讲,他们只是陪练、陪听。面对这一现象,我们教师应该怎么做呢?我认为我们在设计的任务应该具有多样性,每个任务活动的表现方式,侧重点都应有所不同,信息传递,逻辑分析,观点阐述等。学生们在合作时,也会根据任务的性质和个人特长做出不同的角色分配。而且教师也应该鼓励、提醒学生不同角色的轮流分配。这样,每次的任务都会成为一个让学生发展个性的机会。还有小组的成员最好能有相当的英语水平,如果有差异,我们也不必为英语水平较弱的学生担心,他们会在原有的水平上提高得更快。





  七年级英语上册unit3 This is my sister.说课稿



  今天我说课的内容是人教版七年级上册Unit 3 This is my sister中Section A部分。下面我将从说教材、说学情、说教法学法、说教学过程、说板书设计、说教学反思六个方面进行说课。



  本课是人教版七年级英语上册第三单元第一课时。本单元是就第二单元认知物体之后学习用英语认知人,而与学生最为熟悉的人就是家庭成员。从“Is this your eraser? ”很自然过渡到“Is this your sister?” 以前学的“What is this?”转变成“Who is this?” 教材以This is my sister.为中心话题,围绕谈论有关家庭成员的用语,并学会询问别人的情况,介绍自己的家庭,谈论自己的情感。但本单元生词较多。出现在第一课时的就有十五、六个,同时还要认识到名词复数的概念及其运用。因此,本课时任务比较艰巨。








  通过本节课学习,学生就家庭成员相互之间能用英语简单的介绍、询问、交流。掌握基本This is/That is... These are/Those are... 等句型,培养学生实际交际的能力。同时基本上能辨别什么时候用单数什么时候用复数。






  难点:复数的认识和正确运用。汉语表达中完全没有复数概念,这是一本书,这是三本书;除了数字的改变没有其他任何变化。而英语必须这样说This is a book. These are books.所有的单词都相应的发生了变化。因此,中国学生在学习复数的`时候特别难。







  1. 引导学生用小组合作的方式来完成任务型教学所设计的各项活动。全班分为7个小组,每组6-7人,各组英语水平相当,并引入竞争机制。培养学生的实际能力,发展学生的合作能力。

  2. 采取的教学手段是多媒体辅助教学,充分利用农村中小学现代远程教育资源,自制课件,用生动的课件调动学生的感官,进行听说读写的训练。培养学生的观察力和想象力,发展学生的思维能力。





  S1: Is this your pen? ----- Yes, it is.

  S2: Is that her ruler? ----- No, it isn’t. It’s my ruler.



  T:What is this? ------ Ss: It is a photo.

  T: Is this your photo? ------- Ss: No, it isn’t.

  T: It’s not your photo. It’s my photo. And this is my sister. 从而引出本课时重点句型: This is my sister. 并在此基础上讲解“this is...”是用来向对方介绍他人的。同时运用这句型“This is?”进行教学新单词:mother , father , sister , brother , grandfather 等所有家庭成员。让学生先对本课所要讲的内容有个初步的感知,激发学生进一步学习的动机。


  为了调动学生的积极性,主动深化短时记忆中的信息,并逐步向长时记忆迈进、发展。我将利用多媒体生动活泼呈现多张家庭成员图片。让学生将单词与图中人物匹配,认识家庭成员。并学会使用This / That is my... 和 These are / Those are...介绍家人和朋友,巩固知识、操练知识。在此同时,要注意与讲解名词的复数形式,以及让学生能够正确的运用。




  a) 通过播放1b录音,学生听,模仿说,完成任务,巩固语言材料,培养学生听说能力。 b)让学生准备几分钟,运用本课所学的句型“This / That is ?”和“These / Those are ?”对1a 中戴夫家庭成员进行介绍。进一步巩固本课的重难点。 c) 对学生进行分组,分别完成2c对话之后。让学生用自己的照片,编出自己的对话,到前面进行对话表演。转换角色,练习对话。


  在学生已在大脑中构建新的认知结构基础上,提供适当的课堂练习,不仅能让学生在实践中自我学习、自我改进、达到自我完善;而且能够充分地让学生体会到“知识的获得并不只是单方面的‘输入’过程,更重要的是知识的‘输出’” 也就是说能够根据外部实际情况对新知识准确地提取并加以运用。



  1. 掌握所学词汇。

  2. 向同学介绍家人或朋友。



  Unit 3 This is my sister.(Section A)

  ----Is this your sister?

  ---- Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

  This / That is my friend.

  These / Those are my friends.






  Good afternoon everyone ! I’m very glad to interpret my lesson here today.The lesson plan I'm going to talk about is from Book I Unit 7 What does he look like ?—the first period. The language goal is: Describe people’s looks . and there are some new description words in it .My understanding of teaching materials include three parts :(1)the first one from 1a to 1c . In this part ,help students learn the new words and language .try to describe people with them . (2)the second part from 2a to 3 ,in this part mainly practice their listening and writing .(3) the last part is Grammar Focus , in this part I’ll ask students to sum what they have learned in class and Explain some important things to them

  l In this unit students learn to describe people . and the main content of this lesson are the sentences : What does heshe look like ?What do you hey look like? the answers and some description words.

  l The ability aim is to describe people’s looks .

  l As a new lesson I’ll use different kinds of methods to encourage the students to practice . Make them describe various people and be interested in my class .

  There are eight steps in the lesson . Here are the steps .

  Step I Revision

  Show some pictures of people or other things to revise description words they have learned

  Like :old young eautiful ugly cute long and so on . Here are the pictures :

  Step II presentation

  First , I‘ll use some pictures to teach new words : Show some famous star’s photos to teach new words . such as Yao Ming . He is tall . He has short hair . Here I’ll introduce the new language : What does he look like ? He is _______ . He has ________ . and then let students ask and answer with the pictures, Then do 1a match the words with the pictures . finish1b, listen and fill in the blanks . Students read the conversation together .

  Step III pair work

  1c: In this part point out the sample conversation . and ask students to make a new conversation imitate it . look at the picture on page 41, they describe one of them,and other students find him or her . After this do Exercise 1 on paper .

  Step IV listening

  In this part we’ll finish 2a and 2b . This activity provides guided listening and writing practice using the target language .first listen and circle the correct word, either is or has, When they hear it in the conversation. and then point at the chart in 2b, listen and complete it . then finish Exercise 2

  Step V Game

  Describe someone in the class . Ask your classmates to guess who he is describing then do Exercise II.Work in groups . and at last find which group has the most right answers and they are the champion . have a flag .

  Step VI Pair work and writing

  Describe Lily’s new friend . complete the dialogue with words to describe Nancy’s looks . then write a new conversation imitate it Finish Exercise 3.

  Step VII Sum and Test

  Review the grammar box . Ask students to read the questions and answers . Point out some important things : I’m , they’re , he’s and she’s with description of height and build .

  Step VIII Homework .

  Write a short passage about your good friends ,mother , or father .

  I think using the target teaching method and the change of pictures and the competition may arise students interest . Each student can attend the teaching steps . and try to describe various people .improve their abilities .

  At last is my blackboard designment :

  What does he look like ? Words :

  He’s tall. Short hair

  He has short hair . curly hair medium build hinmedium height

  That's all for my presentation. Thank you for your attention.

  Exercises :

  1. 完成对话:

  A: Do you know my good friend Linda ?

  B: Linda ? What _____ she look ______ ?

  A: She’s ______ ______ (中等身材), she’s very ______ (瘦)。

  B: What about her hair ?

  A: Oh, she has long and _______ (卷曲的)hair . She has a round face with ______ _____ (大眼) and a small mouth.

  B: What about her clothes ?

  A: Well, she often ______ (穿) a red dress .


  1. She is ____________________.

  She has ___________________.

  2. He is ____________________.

  He has ____________________.

  He likes __________________.

  3. She is __________________.

  She has ___________________.

  She wears ___________________.


  A: So you ___ my sister ?

  B: What _____ she look like ?

  A: She ______ medium height. And she ____ short hair .

  B: Is ____ thin ?

  A: No, she isn’t , And she always ______ glasses .

  B: Does she ____ curly blonde hair ?

  A: Yes, she does.

  B: Oh. I know ____ !



  1. ____ doesn your father look like ?

  A. How B. What C. Who D. Where

  2. He always _____ black shoes .

  A. wear B. put on C. puts on D. wears

  3. --- What does old Henry _____ ?

  ---- He’s sad.

  A. look like B. looks like C. look for D. look at

  4. He _____ tall and he _____ a medium build.

  A. is, is B. has, is C. is , has D. has, has

  5. This person is medium height. She ________ short hair .

  A. is B. have C. has D. there is


  1. She has long blonde hair .

  ______ ______ long blonde hair .

  2. The boat looks like a duck .

  ______ ______ the boat ________ _______ ?


  Ⅰ. Teaching Objectives

  1.Knowledge Objectives:

  (1) Students can get themain idea of this passage: it is difficult to search for American products inUS;

  (2) Students can masterthe usage of these words and phrase: brand, hardly and avoid doing sth, etc.

  2.Ability Objectives:

  Through reading practice, studentscan develop their reading skills (such as skimming, scanning and guessing) andlanguage competence;

  3.Emotional Objectives:

  (1) Students get more interested inlearning English and in learning the culture of different countries.

  (2) Students can realize that Chinais playing a great role in international business and feel proud of it.

  Ⅱ.Teaching Key and Difficult Points

  1.Teaching key point: Masterthe useful expressions in this passage, like avoid doing sth., and apply theminto their daily conversation;

  2.Teaching difficult point: How to develop students’ reading skills like skimming and scanning.

  Ⅲ.Teaching Procedures

  Step 1Pre-reading

  1. Free Talk: atthe beginning of class, the teacher asks students to talk about their travelingexperience freely and think about what they want to buy if they go abroad.

  2. Content Prediction:the teacher asks students to read the title of this passage and predict whatthe passage may talk about.

  (Justification: This step will arouse students’ interest in learning this lesson and encourage students to think about the topic by predicting.)

  Step 2While-reading

  Task 1. Fastreading

  1. Skimming: studentsskim the passage quickly, and try to explain why it is difficult to search forAmerican brands in US.

  2.Scanning: the teacher asks students to scan this passage and do the “Ture or False” exercise:

  (1) Kang Jian is a 17-year-oldstudent from Shandong.

  (2) Toys are the only things madein China.

  (3) Kang Jian wanted to buy a pairof baseball shoes.

  (Justification: This task can helpstudents get the main idea of this passage and develop their reading skills ofskimming and scanning.)

  Task 2.Careful reading

  1. The teacher asks students toread the para. 1 carefully with the two following questions in their mind:

  (1) Who is Kang Jian? Why did he goto San Francisco?

  (2) What did Kang Jian findinteresting?

  2. The teacher asks students toread the para. 2 carefully and answer the two questions below:

  (1) What did Kang Jian realize? (2) What is Kang Jian’s wish?

  3. Students listen to the tape of this passage and circle the words they are not familiar with. Then, the teacher lead students to guess the meaning and usage of them by linking the context.(key words and phrase: brand, hardly and avoid doing sth.)

  (Justification: This task will helpstudents have a further understanding of this text.)

  Step 3 Post-reading

  The teacher divides students intoseveral groups, and gives them an assignment. Students can first discuss it ingroups, give their own opinions and choose a member to present their opinionsto the whole class:

  Assignment: Suppose you are a Chinese businessman and plan to develop the Americanmarkets. What products would you sell and advertise? List out the product andexplain the reason.

  (Justification: The group work could practice students’ ability ofspeaking and develop their spirit of cooperation with others.)

  Step 4 Summary

  Choose any students to summarize what theyhave learned in this lesson by themselves, and then make supplement timely. Atlast, the teacher stresses the importance of making high-technology productsand advise students to be creative in thinking and brave to express.

  (Justification: students can have an overallstructure of this passage and realize the emotional aims of this lesson.)

  Step 5 Homework

  The teacher asks students to share what theyhave learnt about Kang Jian’s travelling experience with their parents orfriends. Meanwhile, students can interview their parents’ or friends’ opinionson it and share their reports of interview next class with the whole class.

  (Justification: students can review andconsolidate what they have learnt in this class.)










