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时间:2024-03-28 13:15:34 小学作文 我要投稿





  Today is fool's day and it's also my birthday. My name is Sam. I'm 11 years old. In my birthday party, Mother usually buys some interesting books for me and my father usually buys a pair of beautiful shoes for me. I love my gifts.

  My friends are coming. The boys and girls are enjoying my birthday party. They're laughing and playing games. Now, They're eating sandwiches, cakes and fish. They're drinking apple juice and orange juice too. My birthday cake is very big. There are 11 candles on it. They say: happy birthday to Sam! Hip, Hip, Hurry! Hip, Hip, hurry!

  Oh, what a nice birthday party!


  Hello,dear every body,Welcome to my space!!!

  My name is Jinxinyu. I’m 11 this year, and I come from a primary school in Shijiazhuang. I’m now at Grade 5, but I have been learning English for more than 6 years! Yes,ever since my age in Kindergarten.

  I feel proud that I can talk about myself in English! Like I have a happy family: My father,my mother and me; I’m good at playing two things: piano and computer; and there are 3 kinds of food I like most: fried chicken, hamburg, green bean soap…

  I like speaking English, and I wish some day it would really help to enter the “New World”,just like my name “xin yu”---- the “New World”!

  Thank you!

  Wish to share with all of you about my life!!

  Yours sincerely





  我去到英语班报名。起初,由于对英语的喜爱和冲动,我在英语班学的可认真了,经常得到老师和家长的'好评。回家每天都练,总会挤出时间来学;可时间一长,我开始讨厌烦,甚至有时候不去英语班,回到家也不练了。一天,爸爸本来“晴天”的,一下子就变得“乌云密布”,说:“你不应该半途而废。不经一番风霜苦,哪的腊梅吐清香。”我听了,只好听从。来到教室门口,“to perspective unremittingly”从教室里传出来,我走进教室问老师:“这是什么意思?”老师微笑满脸的对我说:“是坚持不懈。”听到这,我脸涨得通红。急忙走到位置坐了下来。果然,功夫不负好心人哪,每次比赛,老师忘不了少不了我。取得的成绩不错,如“金太阳少年英语才艺奖”“广西口语比赛一等奖”等。去年还参加啦北京的“青少年英语全能王竞赛。”爸爸妈妈看到了笑得合不拢嘴。


  I am Jack. My Chinese name is Xiao Yang .I am a boy . I am eleven years old .

  I was born in Hainan on 1st October ,1996 .

  I am a student . I am in YuYing primary school . I am in Class 9, Grade 6 .

  I am good at Math , English and P.E .

  I have taken part in public English Test System (Level 1) and passed .

  I like sports . I like playing basketball , football , badminton , golf and snooker .

  I play badminton very well . I have a badminton train after school on Tuesdays ,Thursdays and Saturdays .

  This is a boy who I am .





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